Obtaining a copy of the program
To download a demo version, click the green button below. You can work with the program, but only view 30 recipes. You cannot download updates, but you can see how the program works.
Save the .zip file to your hard drive and unzip the files contained in it. Run setup.exe to install the program.
If you are interested in purchasing the full program, with over 260 recipes, the ability to view all recipes (instead of 30), and the ability to download and update your database with new recipes as I add them, click the Paypal link at the bottom of the page.
I am asking for $30 for an electronic copy or $35 if you would like a CD sent in the mail. Like I said, I have been working on this over a 5-year span. I have spent countless hours programming and debugging. I have spent additional countless hours going through my cupboard and inputting the ingredient information, and going to the grocery store late at night with a pen and paper to write down even MORE ingredients. I spent even MORE time going through recipes and altering them to make them healthier. $30-35 is a pretty good price for that much work.
For your money, you will receive the program, which comes with its own data base and help menu. The help menu walks you through each step and contains numerous screen shots. You can follow along step-by-step. In addition, you have access to technical help, as I wrote the program and am interested in improving it. I have been using the program constantly for 6 months and have Beta testers.
System requirements: This system is written for Windows 2000, XP, and Vista (Sorry, Mac users). If you are not using XP or Vista, you will need to have Microsoft Access. If you are using XP or Vista, you do not. In addition, regardless of which platform, you will need Microsoft Excel 2000 or higher (or a program that can read .csv and .xls files). You will need about 6 MB of storage space. This may also work with Windows 98, but a special file will be needed. If the Demo version works with Win 98, then the full version will as well.
One final note: This program doubles as a cookbook, so not necessarily all recipes are "healthy." Unhealthy ones are marked accordingly. The majority of my recipes are healthy, and by that I mean:
I strive to use whole grain pastas, bread, flour, and flour-based products.
I try to use "no salt added" and "no sugar added", as well as "fat free" or "low fat" products as much as possible.
I try to keep the following numbers down in my recipes: fat, saturated fat, trans fat, sugar, and sodium.
Thank you for your interest.
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